The list of herbs below includes varieties that Ben has found easy to cultivate and are bursting with aroma, whether uesed fresh or dry, in the pot or the vase. Whatever the size of your garden, there is always room for a couple of herbs.

Mint 'Moroccan'
A compact, vigorous mint with fresh, emerald green leaves that are highly aromatic with a well rounded flavour. Young leaves appear in spring and continue through tell mid summer when the tips are covered in pale lilac flowers. This mint is the best for tea and also cold drinks such as Mojito. It's great for culinary use as well as adding a fresh scent and appearance to flower arrangements.
Grow in any reasonable soil in full sun to light shade, ensuring that it doesn't dry out. Restrict the root run by planting in a pot or raised bed to prevent it from taking over. Divide regularly to maintain healthy growth and cut back during the growing season to ensure a fresh supply. Leaves can be dried for use during winter or alternatively remove and pot up a segment to grow indoors.
Maximum Height and Spread: Approximately 0.45m x 1m+

Parsley 'Lisette'
A beautiful vibrant green parsley with an ongoing and abundant supply of tender, moss curled leaves. The foliage is full of flavour and attractive, so works equally well as herb or a garnish. It's resistant to bolting and frost ensure that this parsley remains productive for longer.
Happiest in a sunny, well drained site with plenty of organic matter to prevent drying out. Although it will stand through most of the Winter, it is best grown under glass in the colder months to maintain a supply or fresh and tender leaves. 'Lisette' makes an attractive addition to a garden whether grown in the front of the border or in containers. Sow every six months to ensure an all year round supply.
Maximum Height and Spread: Approximately 0.35m x 0.3m

Sage 'Nazareth'
This is a fantastic sage in both looks and flavour. As an ornamental it has a compact habit and beautiful silvery leaves that look great during Summer and Winter. In Summer terminal racemes of soft lilac flowers appear above the tidy grey mounds. Cut back hard early spring to encourage soft new growth. Our plants in the garden are over 6 years old and still look great.
The leaves are highly aromatic, lending that familiar smokey flavour to all the usual culinary dishes. A simple combination is with mushrooms and garlic, over pasta with a generous sprinkle of parmesan and drizzle of olive oil, season to taste. When not on the plate it looks and smells great in a vase too!
Maximum Height and Spread: Approximately 0.5m x 0.5m